Opposing Views: "U.S. Immigration Cannot Use Healthcare.gov To Arrest Or Deport Undocumented Immigrants"

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has issued a memo (in PDF here) stating that information about the applicant or household members obtained on healthcare.gov cannot be used by ICE to arrest or deport undocumented immigrants, OpposingViews.com reports. The memo states:

...ICE does not use information about such individuals or members of their household that is obtained for purposes of determining eligibility for such coverage as the basis for pursuing a civil immigration enforcement action against such individuals or members of their household, whether that information is provided by a federal agency to the Department of Homeland Security for purposes of verifying immigration status information or whether the information is provided to ICE by another source.

While undocumented workers are not eligible to gain access to lower rates under the Affordable Care Act, the article notes: "This should make those legal immigrants living with undocumented immigrants more comfortable signing up for health care coverage."

Huffington Post: "Undocumented Immigrant, Sergio Garcia, Fights To Become A Lawyer In California"

Although he passed the California State Bar exam on the first try, Sergio Garcia cannot obtain a law license. The reason: he is an undocumented immigrant. The Huffington Post reports:

A majority of California Supreme Court justices appeared reluctant Wednesday to grant a law license to Sergio Garcia, who graduated law school and passed the state's bar exam but has been living illegally in the United States for 20 years. A federal law passed by Congress in 1996 bars immigrants in the country illegally from receiving 'professional licenses' from government agencies or with the use of public funds unless state lawmakers specifically vote otherwise.

Sergio Garcia, who self-financed his way through law school by working at a grocery store and publishing a self-help book (is this it? If so get that man a law license immediately), states in the article: ""This is about trying to live the American Dream and showing other immigrants that hard work and dedication does mean something in this country... "

The Obama Administration is arguing against Garcia obtaining his law license.  Rather confusing, as Immigration Impact notes: "...Garcia is precisely the type of person the Obama Administration has been urging deserves an opportunity to obtain lawful status and get on a path to citizenship."

UPDATE: California Governor Brown signed AB 1024 into law. This allows applicants who are not lawfully present in the United States, to be admitted as an attorney at law.  The Huffington Post interviews Garcia here.

UPDATE II: Garcia has been granted a law license.