Top 10 “Quick” Immigration Questions (Spoiler Alert: The Answers are Rarely Quick!)

As an immigration attorney much of my day is spent answering “quick” questions from current and potential clients. I know their heart is in the right place when they ask what they think will be a simple question, so I try to be gentle when I break the news that answers are frequently much more complicated than the questions when it comes to immigration law. So, I thought it might be useful (and interesting) to discuss some of the most common ones. (As always, this post is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. We strongly recommend consulting an experienced immigration attorney for legal advice and guidance.)

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Why Do an Immigration Consultation?

“Why do I need a consultation?” is a question we’re often asked. And we understand. Many prospective clients are eager to get started on their case or want a fee quote over the phone right away or just want “five minutes of your time” to ask this one question about a visa their friend has, and are unsure how a paid consultation helps them. But consultations are an essential part of the overall legal process for both prospective clients and attorneys.

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